Clean Industrial Deal: Supercharging Europe’s Competitiveness

bsc clean industrial deal

Thursday 20 February 2025, 8:30 - 9:30 am, Brussels

The European Commission is set to unveil the Clean Industrial Deal, a cornerstone initiative to accelerate Europe’s green transition while boosting competitiveness. This new policy agenda will aim to bolster sustainable industries, enhance the EU’s global competitiveness, and meet climate targets by promoting cleaner technologies, resource efficiency, and low-carbon innovations. The CID is expected to include incentives for green investments, streamlined regulations, and measures to safeguard critical supply chains while driving decarbonisation across sectors. On 20th February, we will get to hear the views from Philippe Lamberts, François-Xavier Bellamy, and Matthieu Auzanneau on the new package. This session is open to members only and is organised in partnership with The Shift Project.

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